Sustainability report
Mining to
empower people
and advance
View from the top
2023 at a glance
Our people
Average number of
employees and contractors
2022: 32,594
Fatalities at Company-managed operations (including contractors)
2022: Zero
Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)
2022: 1.26
Salaries, wages and benefits paid to employees
2022: $534m
Training and development
2022: $8.94m
Our communities
Community investment
2022: $18m
Expenditure with local suppliers
2022: 94%
Security personnel trained on human rights policies
2022: 99.9%
Our environment
Reportable environmental incident
2022: 3
Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
2022: 1,475 kt
Total amount of land rehabilitated
2022: 3,861 ha
Our governance
Employees that completed ethics-related training
2022: 5,390
Payments to government
2022: $880m
Conformance to Global Tailings Management Standard reported
Creating and sharing value
Learn more: Creating and sharing valueEconomic value distribution is guided by business objectives and key issues to ensure sustainable long-term value retention for stakeholders
Total economic value distributed
Material sustainability issues
Each year we review and consider our material sustainability matters, to ensure that we are focused and reporting on those matters that are most important to our stakeholders and to the company’s ability to create and sustain value.
Our stories
External charters and indices
We subscribe to a number of external principles, charters and standards that rank our ESG and reporting performance, according to their own methodologies. The resultant rankings are based on our ESG-related disclosures, and ESG risks and performance, and provide useful external feedback on our performance, and benchmarks against our peers. Some of these ESG rankings are reflected on our website, in our dedicated ESG Transparency Hub.

Report overview
PDF – 3 MBSustainability strategy and governance
PDF – 2 MBOur people – employees and communities
PDF – 10 MBClimate action and resilience
PDF – 8 MBTailings management
PDF – 17 MBEnvironmental stewardship
PDF – 20 MBBusiness sustainability
PDF – 12 MBAssurance and annexures
PDF – 952 KB