<home>Suite of Reports 2022

Our reporting theme

The theme of our 2022 reports is based on our core competitive advantages. These are our:


STRENGTH – in leadership, our Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve, our balance sheet and our progressive focus on mitigating the risks of climate change to garner a leading industry position


FOCUS – on implementing our new Operating Model and on improved outcomes that include reduced costs and the execution of brownfields and greenfields opportunities


COMMITMENT – to delivering growth and superior returns through our streamlined, focused portfolio and the disciplined allocation of capital

  • AngloGold Ashanti, the Company or the Group refers to AngloGold Ashanti Limited
  • Unless otherwise indicated, $ or dollar refers to the US dollar throughout
  • All information is attributable unless otherwise specified
  • Metric tonnes (t) are used throughout, and all ounces are troy ounces
  • Moz refers to million ounces; Mt refers to million tonnes and Mlb refers to million pounds
  • Rounding of numbers may result in computational discrepancies
  • The Mineral Resource, as reported, is inclusive of the Mineral Reserve component unless otherwise stated

2022 suite of reports

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