<>Integrated Report 2022

Executive management

The company’s
leadership has been infused with
exceptional talent from across the mining industry in the past year.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

PhD, MPhil, MA, Juris Doctor, BA

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Fellow Member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA)

Chief People Officer (CPO)

BSc Hons (Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry), Executive

Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer (CSCAO)

Chief Development Officer (CDO)

BSc (Geology), Masters (Engineering)

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

BSc (Mining Engineering), Post graduate qualifications

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

PhD (Strategic Mine Planning),
Masters (Geostatistics)

Chief Legal Officer (CLO)

BProc, LLB, LLM (Corporate Law)

2022 suite of reports

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