<>Sustainability Report 2022

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About AngloGold Ashanti

AngloGold Ashanti is an independent, global gold mining company with a diverse, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects and exploration activities across nine countries on four continents. We pursue value-creating opportunities involving other minerals, where we can leverage our existing assets, shareholdings, skills and experience.

Our vision

To be the leading mining company

Our mission

To create value for our shareholders, our employees, and our business and social partners by safely and responsibly exploring, mining and marketing our products

Our values

Our six values guide all decisions made and actions taken in the conduct of our business. These values link our business activities to our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and commitments


We put safety first, before anything else


We treat each other with human dignity and respect


We are honest and true to what we commit to


We make a positive contribution towards an enduring world


We focus on continuous improvement towards a high performing culture


We work together to build a great company

2022 at a glance

Produced 2.742Moz of gold, our principal product, and employed an average of 32,594 people (including contractors) (2021: 2.472Moz; 30,561 people)

Produced 3.6Moz of silver and 159t of sulphuric acid as by-products at our operations

Reported a significant asset base as at 31 December 2022– total gold Mineral Resource of 131.4Moz, including a 30.4Moz Mineral Reserve

Listed on the Johannesburg, New York, Australia and Ghana stock exchanges

Geographically diverse shareholder base that includes the world’s largest financial institutions

Market capitalisation of $8.1bn at 31 December 2022 (2021: $8.8bn)

Included in the JSE Top 40 Index, the S&P Global CSA, the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series (the FTSE4Good Index), the Responsible Mining Index and the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2022

Investment case

We are working to regain cost competitiveness with our peer group through the optimisation of our operating assets and by introducing new, lower cost production sources to our portfolio

A well-defined, disciplined and shareholder-focused capital allocation framework is supported by significant cash-flow generating ability, a strong balance sheet and our firm intention to return value to shareholders

Our self-generated and self-funded project pipeline, supported by mediumand long-term production plans, is complemented by our proven track record of replenishing and increasing our Mineral Reserve. We aim to achieve value-accretive growth

Our ESG focus is embedded in our decision-making and in the way we work and act. It informs our plans and actions from the initial exploration, to project development and the start of mining operations, throughout the productive life of our mining assets and through to closure. Sustainability and ESG are an essential part of our business, strategy, activities and processes, driving long-term value creation and underpinning our social licence to operate

As a responsible gold miner, we aim to create long-term value for all our stakeholders in partnership with host communities and governments

1 Argentina

2 Brazil

3 Colombia

  • Gramalote (50%) (1)
  • La Colosa
  • Quebradona

4 United States of America

  • Silicon
  • North Bullfrog (2)
  • Mother Lode (2)
  • Sterling (3)

Total production

0.569Moz (21%)

Total Mineral Reserve

(including projects):


Average employed
(including contractors):

9,498 people

  1. Gramalote is managed by B2Gold
  2. North Bullfrog and Mother Lode acquired with acquisition of Corvus Gold Inc. (Corvus Gold) in January 2022
  3. Sterling, which includes the Crown Block deposit, acquired with acquisition of Coeur Sterling Inc. (Coeur Sterling) in November 2022

Operating cash flow * (contribution to Group including projects):

$129m (8%)

Capital expenditure (including projects):


Total community investment (including projects):


* Includes joint ventures

5 Guinea

6 Ghana

7 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

8 Tanzania

Total production

1.635Moz (60%)

Total Mineral Reserve (including projects):


Average employed (including contractors):

19,807 people


  1. Kibali is operated by Barrick Gold Corporation (Barrick)

Operating cash flow *(contribution to Group including projects):

$1,108m (72%)

Capital expenditure (including projects):


Total community investment (including projects):


* Includes joint ventures

Total attributable production

0.538Moz (19%)

Total Mineral Reserve

(including projects):


Average employed (including contractors):

1,532 people

Operating cash flow * (contribution to Group including projects):

$300m (20%)

Capital expenditure (including projects):


Total community investment (including projects):


  • * Includes joint ventures

2022 suite of reports

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