Climate change disclosure
AngloGold Ashanti has adopted the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and commits to incrementally reporting in line with the related disclosure guidelines.
We have engaged with a wide range of stakeholders on climate change and decarbonisation
Addressing the TCFD’s recommendations
Our ambitions:
Board oversight on climate change |
Climate change risk and decarbonisation are Board-level governance issues currently overseen by the Social, Ethics and Sustainability (SES) Committee and the Audit and Risk (A&R) Committee. The Climate Change Working Group (discussed below) reports on climate matters to the SES Committee and to the Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer. Climate change and decarbonisation are considered at every SES and A&R committee meeting and are raised to the Board as necessary. Additional meetings to discuss decarbonisation plans and investment are undertaken with these committees as required. The Board approved our Climate Change Strategy in 2021 and the strategy to achieve decarbonisation and the pathway to net zero GHG emissions that was announced in 2022. See related Media release In October 2021, our CEO Alberto Calderon joined fellow CEOs of ICMM members to commit to a goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. See video |
Board-level knowledge and training |
Board-level training on climate change, its application and implications for the mining sector, and AngloGold Ashanti’s strategic response was undertaken in 2021 and 2022. All Company vice presidents and senior management attended similar training in 2021. |
Management oversight on climate change |
Established in 2020, our Climate Change Working Group is led by the Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer. Its members include a cross section of functional leaders from across the Company. This working group reports on climate matters and decarbonisation to the Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer and the SES Committee. A decarbonisation project team, led by the newly appointed Vice President: Decarbonisation, was set up to develop, manage, monitor and deliver AngloGold Ashanti’s decarbonisation strategy. The Management Investment Committee, established in 2022, is a multi-disciplinary committee comprising senior executives that reviews all capital projects, including decarbonisation projects. It is chaired by our Chief Operating Officer. The committee meets monthly to review major investment projects and recommends selected projects for Board approval. We have established an internal climate-change focused Financial Reporting Forum in response to emerging SEC and ISSB rules on climate reporting. Through the Forum, we track and analyse emerging climate reporting requirements, enabling us to develop robust systems for climate-related reporting and assurance. We have established a clear link between the achievement of our decarbonisation strategy and executive remuneration: Historically, emissions performance was measured and rewarded against improving on a rear-facing three-year average GHG intensity measure. In 2021, our production plans and the energy budget needed to deliver them was used to determine an annual carbon budget, using each operation’s existing energy mix and taking into account any planned carbon reduction benefits. This forward-looking process is now directly linked to the Deferred Share Plan (DSP) performance metrics in a way that is tangible and within management’s control. As the energy mix and carbon reductions are realised, the process allows adjustments to provide a new baseline for performance. See Rewarding delivery in this report. |
Our ambitions:
Identification of material risks and opportunities |
We take a strategic approach to risk and seek to ensure that climate-related risks and opportunities have been systematically integrated into our existing risk management frameworks, and linked guidance and decision-making processes. Our pathway to net zero and climate change resilience was identified as a priority ESG material sustainability issue in our 2022 materiality process – See Materiality assessment in the <SR>. Our climate change strategy also drives the management of physical and transition climate risks within our strategic and operational planning processes. |
Disclosure of impacts on and by the business |
In addition to our annual <SR> in which we disclose our approach to mitigating the effects of climate change and decarbonisation, we published our inaugural Climate Change Report (<CRR>) in 2021 in alignment with TCFD requirements. In October 2022, we published our strategy to reduce GHG emissions, as well as related 2030 targets. This announcement outlined the scale of capital funding required to achieve this plan and proposed funding sources. See Our business model, Environment and Value by stakeholder in this report and the <SR>. |
Business resilience to climate-related risks and opportunities |
In 2020/21, we undertook a detailed review of our existing Group-level policies, standards and guidelines to identify the key areas where climate considerations could be further incorporated and strengthened. This review highlighted the breadth of functional areas where we see climate change being relevant – often beyond some of the more obvious areas, for example environment policies around water, land use and biodiversity, and closure and rehabilitation, and into other more strategic decision-making processes such as capital investment, acquisitions and divestments, and procurement. Incorporating these climate considerations when we update these Group-level policies will ensure that climate-resilient thinking becomes central to the way in which we work. |
Our ambitions:
Risk identification, assessment and management |
We have mapped physical climate change risks across our operations, supply chains and communities (facilitated by an external party) and, in 2023, will undertake a more detailed internal review of these to gain an updated understanding of any residual financial effects. In respect of our transition risks:The market for gold has been considered extensively by the Word Gold Council (WGC), and as a relative risk (between gold and other commodities). Climate change is seen to be an opportunity for gold. See the WGC report and our <CRR>.
Engagement with stakeholders |
We have engaged with a wide range of stakeholders on climate change and decarbonisation. Some of these engagements included:
Integration with current risk process |
We have incorporated the findings of physical climate change risk assessments undertaken in 2021, into our enterprise risk management system, integrating existing site-specific threats to the extent possible. As we advance our understanding of these and transitional risks, they too will be integrated into the existing site risk registers. This underscores our belief that climate considerations are key modifiers of our existing profile of risk and should not be managed as standalone issues |
Our ambitions:
Disclosing climate – related metrics | We disclose a wide range of metrics in our annual <SR> and related <ESGD>, including energy consumption and intensity, our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and intensity. |
Setting climaterelated targets and reporting on performance |
In October 2022, we published our strategy to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2021), and our pathway to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. See Roadmap to Net Zero. These targets are closely supported by the annual emission targets set through our discretionary remunerations system. We will report on progress every year in our <SR>. |