AngloGold Ashanti’s sustainability journey spans well over a decade and continues to transform the Company in a manner that seeks to address the evolving global landscape.
Good governance is
foundational to our
overall sustainability
Our sustainability strategy and framework
AngloGold Ashanti has a track record of working to build and improve its sustainability performance by mitigating ESG impacts from our operations, engaging constructively with communities, and working to fairly share the benefits of mining among stakeholders.
Engaging with our stakeholders
Inclusive stakeholder engagement and effective management of stakeholder relations, concerns and expectations have a direct bearing on our ability to deliver on our strategy and create sustained value.
Focusing on what matters most
Our sustainability report focuses on our material sustainability issues, which we determine through an annual materiality assessment.
External charters and indices
AngloGold Ashanti subscribes to a number of external principles, charters, standards and frameworks that reflect our values and allow external stakeholders to hold us accountable.
Our contribution to the UN SDGs
AngloGold Ashanti remains committed to making a meaningful contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).