<>Integrated Report 2022

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Economic value-added statement

Value distributed



Value retained


(2021: 22%)

Total economic value distributed




Total economic value generated

How we create and share value

Economic value generated

US dollar millions % 2022 % 2021
Gold sales and by-product income(1) 95 4,501 92 4,029
Interest received 2 81 1 58
Royalties received 2 2
Profit from sale of assets 8 1 22
Income from investments 3 167 6 249
Total economic value generated 100 4,759 100 4,360
  1. Gold sales and by-product revenue increased by 12% due to higher gold production in 2022 compared to 2021.

Economic value distributed (1)

US dollar millions 2022 2021 Contributing to the SDGs
Providers of capital 330 364
Finance costs and unwinding of obligations 149 140
Dividends 181 224
Employees (2) 534 515
Government 674 656
Current tax (3) 231 248
Royalties (4) 152 149
Employee taxes (4) 182 167
Production, property and other taxes (4) 109 92
Community (5) 16 15
Suppliers and services (6) 2,175 1,836
Total economic value distributed 3,729 3,386
  1. Economic distribution providing human, financial, social, natural and manufactured capital, guided by business objectives and key issues identified through the operating process to ensure sustainable long-term value retention for stakeholders, underpinned by our key behavioural programme operational excellence, implemented at every step of the business from exploration through the entire chain to divestment/disposal
  2. Payments to employees include salaries, wages and other benefits
  3. Current taxation includes normal taxation and withholding taxation on dividends paid per jurisdiction in which the Group operates
  4. Employee, production, property and other taxes and royalties are reported on a cash basis and exclude equity-accounted joint ventures and projects of a capital nature
  5. Community and social investments exclude expenditure by equity-accounted joint ventures
  6. Suppliers and services excludes capital expenditure

Current taxation by region

US dollar millions 2022 2021
Africa 138 147
Americas (1) 85 108
Australia 6 (3)
Other 2 (4)
Total 231 248
  1. Includes projects

2022 suite of reports

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