External charters and indices
AngloGold Ashanti subscribes to a number of external principles, charters, standards and frameworks that reflect our values and allow external stakeholders to hold us accountable. Our participation in industry initiatives, in which we often take a leadership role, enables us to inform and influence global standards and practices, as well as gain insight into emerging expectations, issues and risks. Some of the more notable ones in which we participate include:
We engages with
various indices that
rate our sustainability performance.
Mining industry initiatives

International Council on Mining and Metals
AngloGold Ashanti is a member of the ICMM and is committed to its principles, position statements and performance expectations that guide member companies on continuously improving their sustainability performance. ICMM member companies commit to reporting on their sustainability performance publicly every year in line with the standards set by the GRI.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global initiative that promotes transparent and accountable disclosure and use of revenues from natural resources. AngloGold Ashanti discloses information in line with country-specific EITI processes and within annual country-level reports.
World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standard
AngloGold Ashanti uses the WGC Conflict-Free Gold Standard as an important tool to help ensure the gold we produce is conflict-free. View AngloGold Ashanti’s 2021 Conflict-Free Gold Report.
Responsible Gold Mining Principles
As a member of the WGC, we support the Responsible Gold Mining Principles and commit to full compliance, including obtaining assurance of our reporting by an independent third party.

International Cyanide Management Code for the gold mining industry
The International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) for the manufacture, transport, and use of cyanide in the production in gold was developed by a multi-stakeholder steering committee under the guidance of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the then International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME).
Global initiatives
Global Reporting Initiative
The GRI is an independent, international organisation that helps organisations communicate their impacts on the environment, economy and people, including human rights, through their reporting standards. AngloGold Ashanti reports in accordance with the GRI Standards. View the 2022 GRI content index.
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum’s Mining and Metals Industry community is a high-level group of peers dedicated to ensuring thought leadership on the long-term sustainability of the industry and its value to society. AngloGold Ashanti continues to be active in the collaborative dialogue of this forum as it seeks to play its role in, among others, mitigating the impacts of climate change and integrating ESG considerations in how the industry operates and interacts with its stakeholders.

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) are a set of principles designed to guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that encourages respect for human rights. AngloGold Ashanti annually reports on its efforts to implement and promote the VPSHR in its <HRR>.
United Nations Global Compact
The UNGC is a voluntary international corporate citizen network, representing partnerships among businesses, governments, civil society and the United Nations. Its aim is to advance responsible corporate citizenship and universal social and environmental principles to meet the challenges of globalisation. AngloGold Ashanti has been an active Board member of the UNGC since 2004 and continues to meaningfully accelerate and scale business impacts to achieve the UNGC goals. As a member organisation, we participate in UNGC programmes such as Target Gender Equality and Young SDG Innovators.
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
SASB aims to help connect businesses and investors on the financial impacts of sustainability through industry-specific standards. Effective 1 August 2022, SASB became part of the IFRS Foundation and its standards will ultimately transition into the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. AngloGold Ashanti’s reporting against SASB positions us well to potentially align with IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards in the future. See our 2022 SASB index.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework offers a global benchmark for climate change disclosure. AngloGold Ashanti has adopted the recommendations of the TCFD and commits to incrementally reporting in line with this framework. For more information on our TCFD-aligned disclosures, see more information under Climate change disclosures in our Integrated Report.
Other frameworks
African Union Agenda 2063
AngloGold Ashanti aspires to contribute to Agenda 2063, which is aimed at transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future by delivering on a set of seven aspirations, each with its own set of goals. Agenda 2063 encapsulates Africa’s aspirations for the future, and identifies key flagship programmes that can boost Africa’s economic growth and development and lead to the rapid transformation of the continent.
Johannesburg Stock Exchange Sustainability Disclosure Guidance
This voluntary guidance intends to help companies effectively navigate the areas of sustainability thinking and disclosure and draws on the most influential global initiatives on sustainability and climate change disclosure – including GRI, TCFD, the Framework, as well as a range of other frameworks and standards. AngloGold Ashanti has considered the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Sustainability Disclosure Guidance in its sustainability reporting.
Participation in sustainability indices
AngloGold Ashanti engages with various indices that rate our sustainability performance, including the FTSE Russell ESG rating and FTSE4Good Index Series, the Responsible Mining Index, the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, and the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).
Details of these results and the Company’s performance can be found in our ESG Transparency Hub.